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League play begins June 17th

HRB Cornhole League Rules
Each season lasts 11 weeks.
Boards are placed 27ft from front edge to front edge.
Games are played to 21 points.
Woody- Refers to any cornhole bag that has been pitched and remains on the cornhole board playing surface at the conclusion of the frame. Each woody is 1pt.
Cornhole - Refers to any cornhole bag that has been pitched and passes through the cornhole board hole at anytime within the frame. Each cornhole is 3pts.
A bag that comes to rest touching the ground AND the board does not count as a point.
Cancellation Scoring - The approved method of scoring for the sport of cornhole is “cancellation” scoring. In cancellation scoring, the points of one player cancel out the points of their opponent. Using this method, only one player/team can score in each frame.
Both players play one board at a time, and stay in their designated lane for the whole game (right or left).
Players start the game at board 1 and alternate pitching bags until each player has pitched all (4) of his/her bags.
Players must deliver the bag with an underhand release.
Feet must stay behind the line of the front of the board at the time of releasing the bag.
The player/team who scored in the preceding frame pitches first in the next frame. If neither player/team scores, the player/team who pitched first in the preceding frame shall retain first pitch in the next frame.
If bags become piled inside the cornhole board hole and may interfere or obstruct with the next pitch or if there is question whether a cornhole bag would have naturally fallen through the hole, a player may request to “rake” the cornhole bags that have fallen inside the hole.
Bags may be removed from board if the player crosses the foul line before releasing the bag, the bag hits the ground and bounces onto the board, or the bag strikes an object such as a tree limb, indoor ceiling, person, etc.
Forfeits: Each match is allotted 60 minutes to play the best 2 out of 3. A team will forfeit their match if at least two players do not show up within 15 minutes of their scheduled playing time or do not provide 24 hours notice awarding the opposing team the win. If a team shows up within the allotted 15 minutes, that team will not receive extra time to play, and must complete the match in the remaining 60 minute allocated match time. If the best 2 out of 3 has not been determined within the scheduled timeframe, the team that showed up late will lose the remaining games in the match.
Player Requirements and Substitutions: A minimum of 2 players per team must be present to play. (We recommend teams of 3 players to ensure enough players each week.) You may substitute players after a frame (all bags have been tossed from one side) has concluded. No player may be a "walker" and play from both sides during one game. If a player arrives late, they cannot substitute in the middle of a frame.